Stock Sale Clearance

Savings of up to 70% from manufacturers RRP. If you are interested in any of the items below, or want to make us an offer! Please call us on 01582 764334 or email [email protected]

Sale List


Part number



Sale price (each)

Conoptics EX-CEL M275 Analogue driver 1 £2,000
Conoptics EX-CEL M302 Analogue driver 1 £500
Conoptics EX-CEL M310 UV modulator 1 £150
Conoptics EX-CEL M310A UV modulator 1 £150
Conoptics EXCELM311A2PUV02 Deflector 1 £150
Conoptics M310A Electro optic laser beam 1 £100
Conoptics M370-C Modulator assembly, 442nm 1 £100
Conoptics M370-UV Modulator assembly with UV 3 £100
Dicon GP700 DiCon GP700 switch box, multiple switches 2 £100
Dicon SP-14-FC-1-Z 1x4 optical prism switch 1 £100
Dicon SP-14X-FC-1-Z 1x4 optical prism switch 1 £100
Dicon VX51X32913/15 VX 5 switch 1 x 32 for 1310/1550nm, LC connectors 1 £300
Dino-Lite AM7915MZT EX-DEMO EDGE, 5MP, 10-220X Digital Microscope, AMR, EDR, EDOF  1 £600
Dino-Lite WF4915ZTL EX-DEMO 1.3MP, 20-200x wireless microscope LWD was £888 1 £550
Dino-Lite AM7515MT8A–EDGE EX-DEMO 5MP, 700-900x coaxial lighting digital microscope £888 1 £550
Foresight Imaging 016030-200 HiDef Accura-PCI framegrabber 1 £100
Foresight Imaging 020000-100 I-RGB-25 framegrabber 1 £100
Foresight Imaging 020000-600 PCBA-RGB-200 framegrabber 1 £100
Foresight Imaging 033000-100 Accustream 170 framegrabber card 1 £100
Greenlee (Tempo) 570XL 850/1300nm dual led source 1 £200
Keithley KUSB-488B EX-DEMO Keithley IEEE-488.2 USB-GPIB interface 1 £594
Rigol                DG812 EX-DEMO 10MHz, 125MSa/s, Dual Channel Function/Arbitrary Waveform (RRP £199)          1 £176
Pico Technology 2408B PicoScope 2408B PC Oscilloscope 4 channels with FG/AWG, 100MHz 1 £837
Pico Technology 3206D PicoScope 3206D PC Oscilloscope 2 channels with FG/AWG,200 MHz  1 £1,045
Pico Technology 3404D PicoScope 3404D PC Oscilloscope 4 channels with FG/AWG,70 MHz  1 £848
Pico Technology 4824A PicoScope 4824A 8-Channels Kit with 4x TA375 Probes 1 £1,687
Pico Technology 5444D-MSO PicoScope 5444D Mixed Signal PC Oscilloscope with 4 channels, 200MHz 1 £2,399
Pico Technology MI007 MI007 Oscilloscope probe, 60MHz 2 £36
Pico Technology PP910 PicoScope 2208A PC Oscilloscope 2 channels with FG/AWG, 200MHz 1 £470
Pico Technology PT-104 USB PT-104 Four-channel temperature, resistance, and voltage measuring data logger 1 £494
Pico Technology TA018 TA018 Current probe 60A AC/DC, BNC connector, Max Frequency 20 kHz 1 £94
Pico Technology TA050 TA050 Attenuator set: BNC 50Ω 1W 1GHz, 3dB, 6dB, 10dB and 20dB. BNC (m-f)  1 £54
Pico Technology TA051 ta051 Terminator: feed-through, 1 GHz 50Ω 1W BNC (m-f)  1 £15
Pico Technology MI029 MI029 BNC to 4mm cable (1.2m) 6 £14
Pico Technology MI031 Pico Technology MI031 BNC plug to crocodile clips 2.0M / 6.6ft 1 £7
Rigol MSO8104 EX-DEMO 1 GHz BW, 10 GSa/s, 500 Mpts, 4 Analogue Channel, 10GSa/S Oscilloscope (RRP £7,271) 1 £5,500
Rigol RSA5065-TG 9 kHz to 6.5 GHz Real-time Spectrum Analyser with Tracking Generator (RRP £7,834) 1 £4,990
Rigol DG1032Z

30MHz Dual Channel Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator AWG

1 £332
Rigol DG1062Z

60MHz Dual Channel Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator AWG

1 £417
Rigol DG2052

50MHz, 250MSa/s, 16 bits, Dual Channel Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator

2 £381
 Rigol DG952

50MHz, 250MSa/s, Dual Channel Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator

 2  £423
 Rigol DP811 Single Channel DC Power Supply 1  £412
 Rigol DP821A Dual Output DC Power Supply 1  £412
Rigol DS2202A

2GSa/s 2-Channel Digital Oscilloscope

2 £442
Rigol MSO5152E

150MHz BW, 2 Channel, 4 GSa/s Digital Oscilloscope

1 £661


If you are interested in any of the above items please call us on 01582 764334 or email [email protected]