Using high speed video recording system to troubleshoot equipment failures presents several advantages over standard video. Most production workers are familiar with the type of video quality produced by traditional surveillance or security cameras. This footage tends to be grainy and lacks the detail required for accurate analysis. Security cameras are meant to be used in situations where a broad picture of the events that are unfolding is “good enough.” However, when it comes to assessing the problems afflicting delicate and complicated machinery, a much higher level of detail is required.

Given that packaging and other industrial equipment often operates at a high rate of speed, it is difficult or even impossible for a standard camera to produce images or video useful for diagnosing failures or other issues. It is for this reason that TroublePix and StreamPix is capable of interfacing with a wide range of cameras.

The Troublepix software is designed for factory floor applications or requirements needing a simple user interface. With TroublePix, you can acquire, view and review all within the same user interface. TroublePix provides features such as looping, Pre/Post triggering, event marking and much more.

The Streampix software is designed to capture from single or multiple cameras simultaneously. StreamPix 5 provides a complete management console for cameras, simplifying the setup, control and acquisition from any number and type of camera. The number of cameras supported is only limited by a condition wherein the combined data rate of the cameras exceeds the internal bus bandwidth or processor capabilities of the computer.

StreamPix 5


  • Troubleshoot your production line or analyse hardware issues by imaging
  • View events from multiple angles. Pinpoint the root cause of production line failures
  • Operator friendly GUI and tools
  • Lower down time and increased productivity
  • Acquire from all cameras in a continuous loop or in pre-post loop with triggering for start stop. 4 or 8 cameras per computer
  • Solutions available from 90 to 1000 frames per second. Resolution from 640 x 480 up to 4k x 4k
  • Compatible with GigE, FireWire A or B, USB, Analog or CameraLink cameras from all major camera manufacturers.



  • Designed for non technical operators
  • Full screen mode, specially designed for use with touchscreen displays
  • Solutions available for high speed from 60 to 1850 fps at VGA and high resolution
  • Provides quick access to exposed camera/grabber features
  • Multiple image display modes with zoom capability
  • Lots of keyboard shortcut to speed operation without using mouse.

Further TroublePix information 


Frame Grabbers