In the ever-evolving landscape of photonics, the seamless integration of ultra-low noise seeders and high performance amplifiers has become paramount for unlocking new frontiers in research and industry. This application note explores the capabilities of Menhir Photonics advanced laser technology and neoLASE amplifier systems, designed to deliver unprecedented power and energy scaling providing flexibility, and reliability for applications in nonlinear frequency conversion, supercontinuum generation, and material processing.
We describe here how the MENHIR-1030 seeder can be easily amplified using a neoLASE neoYb pre-amplifier and main-amplifier module. An average power of 11 W in a single-stage and up to 55 W in a double-stage configuration is achieved. We find that the low intensity noise of the pulse train and the high beam quality of the seeder are well conserved. Additionally, we demonstrate frequency conversion via SHG to the visible at 515 nm with high efficiency >50% and up to 6.5 W of average output power.

This output can be converted to green or further amplified in the 2nd main-amp stage.
Click HERE to read the full Application Note.
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