The APEX Technologies Ultra High Resolution Optical Spectrum Analyser (OSA) can be used to measure the active/passive optical component insertion loss/gain thanks to the possibility to synchronise the internal Tunable Laser Source and the OSA sweepings. In this context, the APEX OSA remains a perfect tool to measure the Fibre Bragg Grating (FBG) Sensor reflection with 1 MHz of resolution, 63 dB dynamic and 0.3 pm wavelength relative accuracy.
Introduction to Fiber Optic Sensors
Optical fibres technology was first realised in the 1960s and has developed to be an integral part of modern telecommunications. Over the last few years, fibre optics and optoelectronics industry have seen tremendous amount of innovation and widespread use leading significantly reduced optical component cost with an improved quality. By taking advantage of these economies of scale, fibre-optic sensors were designed to measure the performance and status of optical networks. In addition to telecommunications applications, optical fibre sensors have moved from experimental research applications in the lab to broad usage and applicability in field applications such as oil and gas services, medical and biomedical engineering, electrical power industry, structural monitoring, defence and aerospace.