SAVE 15% on all High Performance Reference Cables from OptoTest. For a limited time, stock up on this essential element of your test setup at a discounted rate – including 24-fiber fanout cables and non-BIMMF cables. To speak with a Sales & Applications Engineer please call 01582 764334 or click here to email. Lambda Photometrics is a leading UK Distributor of Characterisation, Measurement and...
Fibre Optics
How to Save Time When Testing Multiple Cable Types
Changing out reference cables during the insertion loss and return loss testing process to accommodate new DUT types can cause downtime for a manufacturing line and drastically reduce the efficiency of the cable production process. With single channel DUTs and reference cables, the issue may seem inconsequential. However, in the modern fibre production line every minute counts; any method that... -
Measure Latency in Optical Networks with Picosecond Accuracy
In optical networks where action on a message or signal is time critical, latency becomes a critical design element. Latency in communications networks is comprised of the networking and processing of messages, as well as the transmission delay through the physical fibre. Measuring and optimising this optical transmission delay can be critical in diagnosing latency issues in a data centre... -
Ultra High Resolution OSA: a perfect tool for optical Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) measurement and adjustment
The Ultra High Resolution OSA (UHR-OSA) proposed by APEX Technologies remains a very important tool not only to measure the optical OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) signal spectrums even with few tens of MHz spacing sub-carriers but also to adjust and adapt it to other modulation techniques. APEX-UHR-OSA incessant need in OFDM research area APEX UHR-OSAs have found a wide industrial and... -
Ultra High Resolution OSA for Characterising and interrogating Fibre Bragg Grating Sensors
The APEX Technologies Ultra High Resolution Optical Spectrum Analyser (OSA) can be used to measure the active/passive optical component insertion loss/gain thanks to the possibility to synchronise the internal Tunable Laser Source and the OSA sweepings. In this context, the APEX OSA remains a perfect tool to measure the Fibre Bragg Grating (FBG) Sensor reflection with 1 MHz of resolution... -
White Paper: The Importance of Verifying a Reference Reflection for Accurate RL Measurements
High return loss in a network or data centre is an issue that can cause a number of problems ranging from source stability to increased BER and a lower signal-to-noise ratio. As a result, pass/fail criteria on fibre optic connections has jumped in recent years as advancements in polishing techniques have allowed for fibre optic matings with lower reflections. Click... -
Using the Optical Vector Analyser (OVA) for Component Evaluation in a Production Environment
LUNA’s Optical Vector Analyser (OVA) fully analyses the optical properties of fibre optic components, modules, and subsystems, providing comprehensive characterisation based on a complete transfer function measurement. This engineering note details how to use the OVA to characterise components in a production line setting. Click here to download the full article -
Time Domain Phase Derivative and Time Domain Wavelength Calculations
In the following note, the time domain phase derivative and time domain wavelength calculations are detailed. Click here to download the full article -
Phase Ripple Measurements with the Optical Vector Analyser (OVA)
LUNA’s Optical Vector Analyser (OVA) now has the ability to make phase error measurements. This engineering note discusses the “Phase Ripple Linear” and “Phase Ripple Quadratic” options that are now available with OVA software version 3.8 or later. Click here to download the full article -
Calculating chromatic dispersion (CD) for fibre measurements using the LUNA OVA
This engineering note details the steps taken to accurately compute chromatic dispersion from fibre measurements taken using Luna’s Optical Vector Analyser (OVA). Click here to download the full article