Description: A time of flight spectrometry technique, allowing the analysis of biomolecules and large organic molecules
Recommended Product: Stanford Research NL100
Description: A time of flight spectrometry technique, allowing the analysis of biomolecules and large organic molecules
Recommended Product: Stanford Research NL100
Description: A remote-sensing technique that uses a laser light source to probe the characteristics of a target
Recommended Product: Quantel Brilliant
Anhui Inst. Of technology, China
Description: A form of atomic emission spectroscopy in which a pulsed laser ablates a small amount of material from the sample's surface, the light from which is captured and analysed by a spectrograph
Recommended Product: Big Sky Ultra
Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) is a type of atomic emission spectroscopy in which a pulsed laser, generally a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser, is used as the excitation source.
The output of the laser is focussed onto the surface of the material to be analysed. The high power density at the surface (in excess of 1 Gigawatt per cm2) causes a fraction of a microgramme of material to be ejected from the surface (ablated) and a short-lived, highly luminous plasma is formed.
A typical LIBS experimental set up. Image courtesy of Applied Photonics .
The ejected material in the plasma dissociates into various ionic and atomic species. As the plasma cools, the excited ions and atoms emit optical radation. This emitted optical radiation is then analysed by a sensitive spectrograph and provides information about the composition of the material.
LIBS spectrum of gold ore. Image courtesy of Applied Photonics .
LIBS has many advantages over other techniques as it is virtually non-destructive (only a minute amount of material is ablated) it can be acheived remotely (up to 100m away) and the sample requires no preparation. Because of these advantages, LIBS can be particularly useful when working with hazardous materials or in harsh environments.
We work closely with Applied Photonics , who have succesfully used Big Sky Ultra lasers and Quantel Brilliant lasers in their LIBSCAN and ST-LIBS systems.
For more information about the analytical capabilities of LIBS, please visit Applied Photonics LIBS capabilities page . This is an ever-expanding database of information of LIBS data and spectra obtained from each element in the periodic table.
Description: Alignment of parts or machinery using a laser spot, cross or line
Recommended Product: Laserex Laser Diode Modules
Several properties of lasers make them perfect for alignment applications. They emit coherent light that can be well collimated into a straight, continuous, highly visible beam. Wherever high accuracy alignment of a sample, machine part etc is needed, the laser is the perfect tool.
The addition of a line generating optic will provide a thin light sheet that can further be used for 3D alignment and surface profiling. Below are some examples of were our lasers are used in industrial, automotive and manufacturing environments.
Every part’s surface is made up of texture and roughness which varies due to manufacturing techniques and the part structure itself. To understand a component’s surface and to control the manufacturing process to the degree required in today’s modern world, it is necessary to quantify the surface in both two and three dimensions.
Surface texture parameters can be grouped into these basic categories: Roughness, Waviness, Spacing, and Hybrid.
The Zygo Metrology Group at Lambda Photometrics delivers precision industrial metrology solutions for QA and Statistical Process Control in manufacturing to help reduce the cost of defects and ensure your customers receive the best possible engineered components. Non-contact metrology from Zygo for manufacturing and R&D provides you with the tools to do the job quickly and effectively whilst providing the flexibility to adapt to your needs as your customers demands change. At Lambda Photometrics we recognise that our customers are faced with growing pressure to improve the surface form, finish and performance of components they manufacture and we have developed leading edge metrology solutions to help deliver such capabilities to you. Our high speed and precision metrology tools are capable of measuring: 3D surface profiles, roughness, texture and machining marks, step height, features, cone angles, wear volume, flatness, surface form, radius of curvature and many other parameters associated with precision engineered components, optics and MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical systems).
A wide range of industry sectors including automotive, medical, optics, IT, semiconductor, aerospace and precision engineering have benefited from working with Lambda Photometrics:
If you have a pressing metrology issue and would like to know if we can help, try us out and send us a component sample to be measured, for more details see our sample measurement programme
Precision metrology for a wide range of surfaces and in some cases films encountered in engineering and science. Our solutions allow surface profiles, form, flatness, waviness, texture, roughness, machining marks, material features and finish to be measured using high speed non-contact imaging technology. This delivers:
Typical measurements:
Our metrology tools provide unrivalled performance that is traceable to certified standards to ensure you achieve the highest accuracy, reproductibility and repeatability in your application. For more details download this document standards measurement.
Industry | Typical Application |
Automotive | Test inspection of diesel injectors & valve seats |
Data Storage | Measurement of magnetic read/write heads for hard disk drives |
Dynamic MEMS | Measure motion, displacement & key device parameters |
Medical | Measure surface roughness and wear patterns of orthopedic implants |
Optics | Flatness measurement of ultra-precision optics |
Pharmaceutical | QA of pill & capsual surfaces |
Semiconductor | Measurement of semiconductor package interconnects, solder bumps and micro vias |
Other typical applications include:
The GPI, is a Fizeau type interferometer system coupled to an electronic camera and computer system for control and image processing.
The NewView, a scanning white light interferometer system incorporating a microscope objective lens, led light source, electronic camera and computer system for control and image processing
There are two components to the metrology tools we provide, the hardware, comprising the instrument with PC and frame grabber and the software that controls and processes the data from the system. The combination of hardware and software provides fast and powerful metrology tools that deliver automated measurement solutions for QA and R&D in a fast and flexible way.
We use and supply two key instruments, the GPI and the NewView, for surface and profile measurement both driven by a common software package known as MetroPro. Both instruments are non-contact interferometric imagers that provide a 3D image of a surface to a very high degree of precision and with very high speed compared with conventional mechanical systems. Both provide a snap shot of the surface which when processed by the software allows you to extract a wide variety of parameters about a surface including making comparison with conventional measurement techniques. In the case of manufacturing this allows for automation and 100% inspection of components. For R&D the fast turnaround coupled to an easy to use interface makes productivity and metrology fast and accurate and with a precision far above mechanical methods this allows you to explore future capabilities and options.
The GPI interferometer comprises a laser light source, optics for focussing, expanding and collimating the beam and a camera for recording interference fringes. The GPI can be used for measuring flatness using a precision Transmission Flat or spherical surfaces using a Transmission Sphere, in this particular example we shall consider the measurement of a spherical surface. The Transmission Sphere used for this measurement is a focussing lens taking the collimated (flat wavefront) laser beam and focussing it into spherical waves that converge onto the part to be measured. The transmission sphere is a precisely formed system of optics that for most applications can be considered to generate a perfect spherical light wave converging on the part under measurement.
Some of the collimated light on striking the curved surface of the transmission sphere (a glass/air interface) is reflected back into the instrument to create a reference beam of light. In this example a spherical sample has been placed in proximity to the Transmission Sphere such that the spherical wavefronts impinging on the surface strike the surface at a normal and hence the light is reflected back along its original path and into the instrument. The reflected light from the part under measurement and the reference beam are combined to create an interference pattern that is detected by the camera.
During a measurement the Transmission Sphere is translated linearly along the optical axis with a piezo electric device to create a moving fringe pattern that is interpreted by the computer system to show the deviation of the part under test from an almost perfect sphere. The system displays these departures from spherical form using a colour coded image plot and also an oblique surface form plot, click here for examples of a spherical hip socket. The same principles can also be applied to the measurement of flat surfaces using a Transmission Flat as the reference.
The NewView scanning white light interferometer has similar elements and operation to the GPI. It employs optics in the form of a modified microscope objective, a light source, in this case an incoherent broadband LED light source is split at the objective so that some of the light passes to a reference mirror and some is focussed onto the surface of the sample under measurement. Light from the mirror and the sample surface are reflected back into the instrument and imaged onto a camera. If the distance from the light splitter to the mirror and from the splitter to the surface are equidistant so that there is no optical path difference (OPD) then the camera will observe an interference pattern. This occurs when the objective is held so that the focal plane of the objective lies in the same plane as the surface.
In order to perform a measurement of the surface observed by the field of view of the objective, the objective lens is translated vertically and linearly so that the focal plane moves through the entire height range of the surface being measured. As it does so the interference fringes will move and follow the height profile of the surface and this information is processed by the instrument to calculate the height profile to a very high precision. If we take the simple example of a spherical surface and the objective moving downwards then the interference fringes will appear as a small set of concentric circles emanating from the top of the sphere as the focal plane of the objective intersects it.
The concentric fringes will then grow larger as the focal plane moves and intersects the sphere lower down. The NewView is able to measure and view an image field dictated by the field of view of the objective lens, for example a 10x objective with a resolution of 1.18 microns is able to observe an area of 1.1mmx1.1mm. As with the GPI the MetroPro software processes the interference data to create a colour coded height profile of the surface under measurement, click her for an example, To measure larger areas there is a facility on the NewView to stitch image fields together. A motor driven stage allows the system to move the surface under inspection a step at a time and in raster fashion to allow relatively large planar surfaces to be measured.