Knowledge Base

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  1. Metal Coating of Biological Samples for Enhanced SEM Imaging: Collagen Membranes

    WHY IS SEM IMAGING USED TO STUDY NANOFIBRES? SEM imaging is an ideal tool to check the fibre surface properties and the structure of collagen networks. In general, a lot of organic and biological samples such as tissue, blood vessels and cartilage provide very interesting information when imaged by SEM. Such materials however are very poor electrical and thermal conductors...
  2. Metal Coating of Biological Samples for Enhanced SEM Imaging: Diatoms

    WHY IS SEM IMAGING USED TO STUDY DIATOMS? Diatoms are used to help determine the origin of materials containing them. One important field of use is forensics. A typical application is to differentiate a death by submersion form a post-mortem immersion of a body in water. Because the composition of diatoms is specific for a specific location, a sample of...
  3. Laser Testing & Adaptive Options Solutions

    SID4 EXCLUSIVE TECHNOLOGY: 4-Wave Lateral Shearing Interferometry PHASICS® technology was introduced to overcome the Shack-Hartmann sensor limitations, especially resolution. This ultra-high resolution enables accurate wavefront measurement for robust calculations of beam parameters... To read more click HERE to download the full article. Lambda Photometrics is the leading UK Distributor of Characterisation, Measurement and Analysis solutions with particular expertise in Instrumentation...
  4. WEBINAR: The origins of structure-insensitivity in heterogeneous catalysis

    Is there such a thing as structure insensitive heterogeneous catalysis? Dr. Charlotte Vogt, Principal Investigator at the Technion Institute of Technology in Israel, will address this phenomenon in our upcoming VSPARTICLE user webinar. Please join us if you would like to know more on this topic.Wednesday, 2nd March 2022 - 9amIn this webinar, Dr. Charlotte Vogt will address a fundamental concept in heterogeneous catalysis: structure (in)sensitivity. The VSP-G1 Nanoparticle Generator was...
  5. UV to MWIR Optical Coating Broadband Measurement

    One of the truly unique features of the PHOTON RT spectrophotometer is the capability to run broadband measurements. The most sophisticated configuration offers an unsurpassed opportunity to qualify optical coatings continuously from 185nm in the UV to 5200 nm in the MWIR.  Throughout EssentOptics business history, they have regularly set new benchmarks for broadband measurement capability. Since their first announcement...
  6. Computer Generated Hologram (CGH)

    Complex asphere metrology ideally suited for production-level volumes. Advances in diamond turning and small-tool deterministic polishing have dramatically increased optical manufacturing capabilities to produce nearly any surface shape. Designers have leveraged these capabilities by increasingly designing aspheric optics into imaging, sensing and laser systems to improve performance and reduce size and weight of optical systems. However, it isn’t just the polishing equipment...
  7. Teflon Coated With 2nm Platinum Using Luxor Pt Sputter Coater Delivers Stunning Imaging Quality

    The synthetic fluoropolymer of tetrafluoroethylene AKA Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) and its analogues are strongly hydrophobic and having low surface energies of less than 18 dyn/cm are perhaps best-known for their non-stick properties. This low surface energy along with PTFE’s high electrical insulating properties can make sputter coating with noble metals prior to SEM a real challenge. Not anymore. Image courtesy of...
  8. How Smooth is Smooth?

    This question is of interest to many manufacturers today. Why? Because more of them are making high precision, small-scale components that are critical to the function of a host of end products. A company’s livelihood may mandate that the components they use in their products are uniform, definable, and "high-precision". This is where an understanding of smoothness is helpful. So...
  9. Navitar Solutions for NIR and SWIR Imaging Applications

    The Resolv4K modular video microscope system has been designed for superior visible wavelength axial color correction; but did you know about our VIS-NIR (Visible through Near Infrared) and SWIR options? The coating choices and design efficiency make this system the ideal SWIR camera complement for use applications such as: SWIR MicroscopySemiconductor AnalysisThrough Silicon ImagingPCB InspectionSolar Cell InspectionSpectrometryForensicsChemical AnalysisResearch SWIR and Vis-NIR options...
  10. How to Diagnose Board-Level Design Issues Using Very-Near-Field Measurements

    The EMScanner provides board-level design teams with world-leading fast magnetic very-near-field data to help diagnose EMC design challenges. The instrument captures and displays visual images of spectral and real-time spatial scan results in seconds. PCB designers can now scan any board to identify both constant and time based emission sources in the range of 150kHz to 8GHz. This report provides...

Items 41 to 50 of 170 total
